Carefully Crafted Design
The Courtyard has been meticulously planned with all public spaces designed to build a sense of community. The floor plans are crafted to ensue comfort and space for the resident.
Loaded With Technology
With Free WiFi throughout the building, laptops for check out, multimedia training, and many more amenities The Courtyard sets you up for success in a high tech world.
Safety First
We know the key to feeling at home is security, thats why every apartment unit has individual key fobs for entry, and security cameras monitor the property 24 hours a day.
Community Environment
From its beginning The Courtyard was built with the intension of being part of a community. Residents are encouraged to build relationships and establish a home for themselves.

An Innovative Living Experience
(With Preference For A Target Audience*)
The Courtyard provides a way for individuals leaving foster care to rediscover their dreams and have a fresh start toward creating a home of their own and successfully completing educational and vocational goals without facing the challenge of high rent, utilities and other housing barriers.
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